Issuance Stage
Setting the foundation for your raise

Manage the Entire Capital Raise

KoreConX offers the most advanced all-in-one platform enabling you to manage investors, shareholders, cap table and so much more with ease.

Select Your Partners

Get it right the first time around. Our RegA+ ecosystem brings together all the firms that have successfully done RegA+ offerings. It’s Critical to to have partners in your offering that understand what you need in order to get you to launch as quickly as possible. Our RegA+ ecosystem consists of the following partners we have vetted in for you so you can reach your goal.

Investor Acquisition

Awareness & Succeeding with Investors.
Driving more “eyeballs” to your offering is a general ingredient to RegA+ success. Not every issuing company has a built-in fan or customer base that can be potential investors.

The Role of Investor Acquisition Firms.
These firms are very niche and specialized in how they generate awareness through media, optimize data from various channels, messaging support, and creative market approaches that all add to the positive outcome of your RegA+.

These are the different types of Investor Acquisition techniques/Tactics
Create Invest Button

The KoreConX team has this down to a science. With globally customizable compliance built-in, seamless KYC & AML, private label branding and full integration capability this Invest Button can live anywhere on your company website

Tracking Your Live Offering

Did you know you’re in control? KoreConX provides you visibility when visibility may not be otherwise available. View who’s invested, how much and many other investment details.

RegA+ End to end

Kickstart Your RegA+

Download our FREE ebook and learn all the ropes to kickstart your RegA+ process.


    Invest button

    Invest button

    This is also the stage to create your “Invest Now” button so that when your investors visit your site they will have a completely branded mobile ready experience and never have to leave your site. This is your raise and you’ll be spending marketing budget so why not have those dollars go to work for the brand you’ve built.

    • Placed on company websites or multiple websites
    • Mobile ready
    • Investor to invest, private label, look and feel
    • KYC
    • Subscription Agreement
    • Payment
    • Submits to Compliance to review



    The investor also expects that they’ll be able to view and be kept in the loop about their investment. This is why we pack a bunch of features in the Portfolio so that you have all you require with KoreConX

    • Investor invited to Dashboard when they initiate investment
    • Investor provided a dashboard to monitor the investment process
    • To provide additional information if needed



    Your fundraising journey also involves key partners such as your selected Broker Dealer. KoreConX makes it simple and provides the features they require to keep you on-side with the Regulators. AML/KYC and investor suitability is fully integrated, ready for review and record keeping capable.

    • Compliance management platform for your broker-dealer
    • Compliance officer to review KYC, ID, AML suitability for the investor
    • Compliance officer approves and closes investor
    • Then the message is sent to the shareholder with anupdate

    Cap Table

    Cap Table

    The Cap Table is essential for any company raising capital. This is also why we include it in our freemium model. We have designed this area to be fully automated and in doing so it can drastically simplify your time and management efforts

    • Once an investor is approved and closed, information is moved to your cap table realtime
    • As the cap table is updated your registered transfer agent is reviewing transactions details
    • Your shareholders are invited to your website to login to view their holdings, news releases, updates



    Congrats your investor is now fully invested as a shareholder. The Portfolio also serves as their holdings dashboard. With advanced functionality we make this area highly visual and intuitive.

    • Shareholder logs in at the company website private label
    • Shareholders view holdings in Portfolio
    • A shareholder can view news releases, reports
    • A shareholder can transfer their shares to other parties
    • A shareholder can connect to the Registered Secondary Market to sell their shares

    Secondary Market

    Secondary Market

    Additionally, with KoreConX and our KorePartner Rialto Markets a FINRA registered Broker Dealer we are the only all-in-one platform with a registered secondary market. Now your shareholders can enjoy more peace of mind knowing their investment has greater liquidity and they’re able to sell their investment on a secondary market.

    • Shareholder able to list shares for sale
    • New Investor can purchase the shares

    Cap Table

    Cap Table

    Post secondary market sale you now revisit the cap table which is automatically updated once a transaction has occurred. The beauty is you have had to lift a finger and you are fully up to date on your cap table.

    • Captable automatically updated information coming from
 Rialto Markets Registered ATS
    • New holder invited to create an account



    In light of the transaction above our KoreConX solution also advises both shareholder parties involved in the transaction and their Portfolio area are both simultaneously updated.

    • Both shareholders portfolio are update

    Join the all-in-one platform empowering private capital markets.

    Free forever, KoreConX makes it easy for participants in private capital markets to manage their investment portfolios, raise capital, and meet global compliance standards along every step of the way.